Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Holidays Bloggers

     Happy Holidays everyone!! This is the last blog for class. I hope to continue blogging every week to keep my mind focused on other things rather than taking it to the wrong person. One a better note, I will be discussing Appearance. Appearance is extremely important when coming in contact with people, and when job searching. It is important to keep hair, nails, and our bodies clean at all times. A neat clean appearance is extremely vital. Once a person keeps up with there grooming on a daily basis it starts to become a habit. Me, myself I tend to be my own critic. I always analyzing things about myself in detail, all the time. This is a great way to bring in the New Year, organized and focused!! I really enjoyed doing the blogs and plan continuing to do more!! Everyone have a great one!! Happy Holidays!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


In this blog today, I will be just discussing life in general. In life so much goes on that we at time can not help. Most of things happen because of decisions that we make. It is better to have good positive surrounds to make life better. One of the most important people in my life, my daughter has brought me so much joy. One thing that I have learned about life that it tends to be sometimes unfair. Do not get me wrong. I am very greatful of it and happy to have the people in my life, my professor and fellow students. I take everything that goes in life as a lesson. I always believe in becoming a better person as I wake up in the morning. I just try ot have faith and pray. No one told me that it would be easy but I just hope to have people by my side. I feel blessed as well and I hope for other to feel blessed too. This is the last blog for class but I plan on returning just for fun and hope to have more followers also. Everyone have a great holiday and if there is any further insite, I would love to read it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Becoming Successful and Love

I definitely feel that becoming successful, definitely has a lot do with Love. Having a Love for what you do helps a lot. I know from  my personal experiences when I start to love what I do I become better at it. For example, doing these blogs. I am actually enjoying doing this. It kind of get my mind into this personal zone. I let important things in my mind go on here. This is my first time having a blog so, is new to me. I will admit when I first was told we had to do this for class, I was not all that excited about it. Now that I am more into it, I love it. I plan of getting more people to join from my facebook page. I am personally trying to get away from face book. I have been up there almost a year and its starting to become a little too personal for all these people that I really do not even know. It is fun at times but I have a life out side to the social networking sites. I plan on using this blog to pretty much keep up with staying focused. This will kind of draw me away from everyday stressors. Kind of like my personal diary with people that deserve to come into my world. Peace!! Does anyone have any insight on this topic. I know I kind of went off topic!! I will see you all in next weeks blog. Enjoy your week and remember to stay successful!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The importance of Reading to our Youth

         Reading to your children is very vital from them for their future. It is important get children in to the habit of reading. Once the love of reading has been instilled in our children they tend to grow up with this love. The younger a person starts reading to their children the better chance of them doing better in the future. I was listening to the radio and they were talking about starting to read to our children from the ages of 3 and 5. I heard that kids are more likely to be successful and stay off drugs. Reading to our youth helps them establish a vocabulary and expand their minds at a young age. I heard that reading to our children at least 15 minutes a day is a wonderful start. I feel that less t.v. time and more reading time will help them building good reading habits. Does any one have any insight on this topic? See you all in next weeks blog. Have a great week!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Marriage in the Present Day

       In these days of time, more and more people are deciding to get married. Actually to be honest I chose this topic because it kind of hit home to me. My sister is getting married today, so I decided to write about it. I am glad that people are getting married more. I feel that it is important to go back to the old ways of life at times. I know I try to scream New, New, New but sometimes it not alway best. I hope to get married one day. I feel that a relationship it built on Love, Loyalty, Trust, Faith and so much more. There are a few reasons why it is kind of hard to go back to the right way. I feel that there is somebody out there for somebody. I hope that I do not offend anybody with my posts. I would love to get some feedback on this topic. Everyone be blessed.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Staying Encouraged and Being Positive

         Every morning when I wake up; I look forward to reading encouraging words. Positivity is something that I had been stressing a while. Through my teenage years, truthfully a lot of words that I heard were not that encouraging to me. I must admit, I am not perfect and had made mistakes in my life. As an Adult and mother I am trying to be a role model for my daughter, so she does not have to go through some of the things that I dealt with growing up. I always try to keep a positive frame of mind. I am mainly getting to the point of happiness. I do what ever I can do to obtain happiness. I have up's and down's but I sometimes do not understand why somethings just go wrong as soon as they start to go right. That is why I stay encouraged and keep a smile on my face. If anybody has any encouraging words to add I would love that. See you all next week on the Blogs.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Teens of Today

              In today's blog, I will be discussing issues in Teens. This generation of teens have changed since I become an adult. The language and writing styles the teens are using are crazy. I feel that as adult putting time in for their children more can help a lot. I have seen so many different characters from teenagers. For example typing 3 for E's. Has anybody ever heard of that? It is ridiculous. I remember growing up, my parents always emphasized the importance of any education. School was a priority to me and it still is. I knew what it meant if I did not attend classes. I feel that as a hard working adult it is kind of hard to give 100% attention to a teenager. I feel the importance of a mother and a father to be in a child's life. Does anybody have any incite or an opinion to give on this topic of our youth?